Resurrection of ICL 1900 BCPL

On investigation of the files obtained from Galdor Computing it was found that parts of the code generator, CGMX, (which converts OCODE to semicompiled) were missing, a simple recompilation of the code generator produced a binary that was significantly shorter than the original and which halted on a missing function when run.

The obvious solution was to attempt to recreate the missing functions from the existing binary copy of CGMX. BCPL, like most compiled high level languages, tends to produce code that is fairly easy to recognise, for example the code for each routine in memory is prefixed with an ASCII copy of its name, all calls between BCPL routines are made using a support routine, %BSAVE, return from a BCPL function is made using a support routine %BRETURN, most calls between BCPL routines are made using addresses stored in the global vector, and so on.

The first task was to identify the different regions in the binary copy, notably the global vector. Since most calls pass via the global vector the easiest way would be to identify calls, which would have the form:

       LDX   3  xxx            [ load X3 from global vector
       CALL  1  %BSAVE
                yyyy           [ size of current stack frame
Using the George 3 PRINT command it was possible to find that the binary CGMX contains 826 occurences of "CALL 1 16736", so it seemed probable that %BSAVE was at 16736, and examination showed that the code at 16736 started:

   16736    !0EV    +4458870   #21004566    ANDX  2  2422
   16737    4802    +1081346   #04100002    NGN   0  2
   16738    1+02     +372738   #01330002    TXU   0  2(3)
   16739    ST5Q    -3194511   #63640561    BCC      16753
Which corresponds to the source of %BSAVE:

#CUE           %BSAVE
#              RTAP AND FNAP COMPILE TO :-
#                    CALL  1  SAVE
#                             N    [SAVE SPACE RELATIVE TO P
#              AND X4=RESULT IF ANY
      ANDX  2  '#17777777'
      NGN   0  2
      BXE   0  2(3),TRCE
Assuming that 16736 was %BSAVE and the fact that compiled BCPL routines start with a prefined sequence including their name in ASCII it was possible to locate the global vector. The WRITEF function was discovered to be at address 13623:

   13623    3S£]     +996669   #03632475    BRN      13629
   13624    000-         +29   #00000035    LDX   0  29
   13625    ____          -1   #77777777    177   7  4095(3)
   13626    1E-"     +415570   #01453522    ORS   0  1874(1)
   13627    "%!5    +4805701   #22252105    DVR   2  1093(1)
   13628    !@00    +4587520   #21400000    ANDS  2  0
   13629    D20/    -7331809   #44020037    LDN   4  31(2)
The sequence #01453522, #22252105, #21400000 decodes to the BCPL string "WRITEF". Searching low memory the address 13623 was found in location 1810, and that location was used in call sequences like:

    2526    (0,"    +6293266   #30003422    LDX   3  1810
    2527    ;D5@    +3031392   #13440540    CALL  1  16736
    2528    00"'       +1175   #00002227    LDX   0  1175
It seems probable that location 1810 is global vector entry 76, which implies that the global vector starts at 1735 (global vector entries start at 1). Examination of other calls confirms this hypothesis.

Armed with this knowledge it was possible to write a disassembler to convert the binary format of CGMX to a sequence of PLAN routines. For simplicity the disassembler was written in Perl (using a handy time machine found lying in the garage).

The disassembly was accomplished in a stepwise fashion, firstly the output from the George PRINT had to be slightly massaged -- it eliminates duplicate values from the output to make it more compact, the script reinstated the omitted values.

Then the code was converted to PLAN format using the script which performed the job of allocating labels for the addresses used in the code.

In order to produce more readable output requires a list of names of elements in the global vector. In a first pass a script, was used to extract the global declarations from the CGMX source. This was complicated by the fact that some global vector elements had multiple names, in some cases it was obvious that one of them was wrong, for example CGMX uses element 100 for DATAP rather than the entrypoint PROGRAM, in some cases it was just that two slightly different names were used by different routines, WRITEO versus WRITEOCT. Another problem was that some global vector entries were clearly used by the compiled code but weren't mentioned in the source. The list of global entries was augmented by extracting missing routine names from the output of, which was then re-run using the new list.

Running on the original binary and the newly compiled version it was possible to see that the missing routines were:

REPORTSTATE -- never used and possibly incorrect.
examination of the extracted routines showed some special cases, the code for WRITEOP included what was clearly a SWITCH command:

      CALL  1  L1305                    [ 12594 3027251  12595
L1305 ADX   1  4                        [ 12595 2113540
      LDX   4  3(1)                     [ 12596 -8384509
      EXIT  4  0                        [ 12597 -7438336
      LDX   0  230(3)                   [ 12598 12518
      LDX   0  232(3)                   [ 12599 12520
      LDX   0  188(3)                   [ 12600 12476
      LDX   0  188(3)                   [ 12601 12476
A script, was written to turn this into a usable form:

L1166 ADX   1  4                        [ 12595 2113540
      LDX   4  3(1)                     [ 12596 -8384509
      EXIT  4  0                        [ 12597 -7438336
Finally the extracted routines were massaged by a script, which, using the list of global vector entries, generated the necessary PLAN code to initialise the global vector with the adresses of the missing routines, producing the final replacement PLAN code.

When CGMX was recompiled with the replacement code it successfully generated code for the compiler.

The next project was to re-write the missing routines in BCPL. This is fairly easy to do as the code generated by CGMX is quite close to the OCODE generated by the compiler, which in turn maps rather clearly onto the original BCPL.

For example taking the PLAN version of the routine EMPTY:

First we have the standard BCPL routine start, a branch to the start of the routine, followed by the length of the stack frame (only for debugging, and not generated by all versions of CGMX), then a flag word containig the illegal instruction "-1" and the name of the routine encoded as BCPL ascii string: the name of the routine encoded

L0216 BRN      L1116                    [ 12039 995084  12044
      LDX   0  3                        [ 12040 3
               -1                       [ 12041 -1
               345421                   [ "EMPTY"
This translates into BCPL as:
LET EMPTY (label) BE
The start of the routine loads the argument of the routine to X4, and if it is zero returns to the caller:
L1116 LDX   4  2(2)                     [ load first argument, stack location 2(2) 
      BNZ   4  L1117                    [ branch around return if not zero
      BRN      %BRETURN                 [ return from routine
Or, in BCPL:
	IF addr EQ 0 RETURN
otherwise we jump down.
L1117 BRN      L1118                    [ branch down
Playing with various example BCPL programs shows that the compiler outputs the body of loops before the end test, starting the loop with a jump to the end. For example a loop like:
	WHILE A GE 23 DO $(
Will be compiled as:
END	... test A GE 23
The advantage of doing this is that execution of the loop takes one less instruction, at the expense of one more instruction the first time around the loop. If we assume loops are usually executed more than once this is a clear win.

Examining the code at label L1118 we find:

L1118 LDX   4  2(2)                     [ load 1st argument
      BNZ   4  L1121                    [ loop if not zero
So what we have here is, in BCPL:
	WHILE label NE 0 DO $(
Then the body of the loop starts:
L1121 LDX   1  2(2)                     [ get 1st argument to index reg
      LDX   4  0(1)                     [ load what 1st arg pointed at
      STO   4  3(2)                     [ save in local stack frame
Which is the initialisation of a new local variable at stack location 3(2):
		LET p = label!0
Now we have what looks like a TEST (i.e. an if/then/else):
      LDX   4  '4194304'                [ get constant to X4
      ANDX  4  3(2)                     [ and with local variable
      BNZ   4  L1119                    [ branch to "else"
Or, in BCPL:
	TEST (p & #20000000) EQ 0
The "then" branch is a call to the global routine SCF5 (global vector entry 249):
      LDN   4  59                       [ pass 1st argument, 59
      STO   4  6(2)                     [ 
      LDX   4  3(2)                     [ pass 2nd argument, local
      STO   4  7(2)                     [ variable 3(2)
      LDX   3  G249                     [ 
      CALL  1  %BSAVE                   [ 
               4                        [ 4 words in local stack frame
      BRN      L1120                    [ Branch around "else"
which corresponds to the BCPL:
		SCF5 (59, p)
Then we get the else (OR in BCPL terminology) branch of the TEST:
L1119 LDN   4  4095                     [ compute p & #7777
      ANDX  4  3(2)                     [ in X4
      LDN   5  52                       [ 
      STO   5  6(2)                     [ 1st arg is 52
      STO   4  7(2)                     [ 2nd arg is p & #7777
      LDX   3  G249                     [ call SCF5
      CALL  1  %BSAVE                   [ 
               4                        [ 
Which is BCPL:
		SCF5 (52, p & #7777)
The code continues with some more calls to SCF5:
L1120 STOZ     6(2)                     [ 1st arg is zero
      LDX   4  '32767'                  [ 2nd is 32767
      STO   4  7(2)                     [ 
      LDX   3  G249                     [ call SCF5
      CALL  1  %BSAVE                   [
               4                        [
Then we have the use of a new local variable, stack location 4(2) so we must be in a new block:
      LDX   4  2(2)                     [ load local 2(2)
      STO   4  4(2)                     [ save as new local 4(2)
      LDX   1  4(2)                     [ load local variable
      LDX   4  1(1)                     [ load 2nd word it points at
      STO   4  2(2)                     [ and save
Or, in BCPL:
		LET q = label
		label := q!1
Note the use of the routine argument as if it were a local variable. Now we call FREECELL with "q" as its argument:
      LDX   4  4(2)                     [ pass local 4(2)
      STO   4  7(2)                     [ 
      LDX   3  G245                     [ to routine FREECELL
      CALL  1  %BSAVE                   [ 
               5                        [ stack frame size now 5
Note how the local stack frame is now 5 words as we have a new local variable. This is:
Now we reach the end of the loop. (Or, from the BCPL point of view the head of the loop):
L1118 LDX   4  2(2)                     [ get local
      BNZ   4  L1121                    [ loop back if nonzero
Followed by a last call to SCF5 and the RETURN:
      LDN   4  59                       [ 
      STO   4  5(2)                     [ 
      LDX   4  G111                     [ Global STVQ
      STO   4  6(2)                     [ 
      LDX   3  G249                     [ call SCF5
      CALL  1  %BSAVE                   [ 
               3                        [ Stack frame now 3 words
      BRN      %BRETURN                 [ return
Note how the stack frame on the call to SCF5 is only 3 words, this implies we have left the block where "p" was declared (the body of the loop) and the inner block where "q" was declared. In BCPL:

	SCF5 (59, STVQ)
When the re-created code was compiled it turned out to be word-for-word identical with the PLAN code extracted from the original CGMX binary.

The same process has been used to recreate all of the missing BCPL routines:

newcell.bcpl -- functions NEWCELL and FREECELL

The recreated functions have now been added to the code generator and it has been successfully rebuilt from source.